
What (they say) The Bible Says About Transgender People

Do Christians Dehumanize Transgender Individuals?

Just the other day, I found myself in a conversation with a smart-alec who asked, “Why are Christians so quick to judge transgender people when the Bible explicitly warns them not to judge others?” I couldn’t resist a quick repartee and replied, “Transgender people don’t need to fear Christians judging them; they should fear God’s judgment.” 

This exchange got me thinking about how fellow Christians navigate questions like these. So, I did what any of us would do: I turned to Google and typed ‘Christianity and Transgender’ in the search bar to see if Bible teachers, Pastors, and Christian influencers had broached this topic from a biblical perspective. I was somewhat surprised to see organizations like NPRHRC, and liberal Christian publications dominate the search results with their misinterpretation of the Word, shaping the narrative to advance their anti-Bible agenda.

The first search result was an article by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) that was titled “What Does The Bible Say About Transgender People.”  HRC is one of the biggest LGBTQ political lobbying groups in the world donating to politicians including the presidential campaigns of Clinton, Obama and BidenSo, why in the world would an advocacy group with a clear anti-Bible stance be sponsoring articles specifically targeting Christians? Right?

I took the time to read the entire article, saving you the trouble. Here are my observations and takeaways


HRC spends 100% of its lobbying dollars on politicians that are unabashedly anti-Christian and anti-Bible and not a single dollar is wasted on candidates that are either conservative or Christian. It is a zero tolerance, zero risk-taking strategy. 
Their objective in getting these articles written is to convince Christians that the Bible affirms the full inclusion of LGBTQ+ people in the Christian community.  To achieve this, they employ woke theologians from prestigious seminaries, to work as ‘devil’s advocates’ and weaken and destroy the Christian community from within.

Our Strategy (or the lack thereof)

While the enemy devises a clear and well-defined wartime strategy, a majority of Christians unwittingly go along with the wind, oblivious to the fact that the enemy’s aiming for their jugular..


With the D-day fast approaching, the wicked one and his cohorts, much like Judas Iscariot, are scheming behind our backs and working long into the night. Meanwhile, God’s people, mirroring Peter, James, and John at Gethsemane, are fighting sleep instead of being alert and keeping watch.

Be Doers

Christians need to wake up and awaken others. The church is filled with hearers, talkers, scholars and thinkers, but lacks those who work and burn the midnight oil for God, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few”


Bible-believing Christians who affirm that God created two genders (i.e. male and female) are often portrayed as discriminatory, transphobic, and hateful individuals. Those who do not affirm, accept, or bow down to their agenda, are reprimanded for dehumanizing transgender people and opposing their very existence and well-being.

Fear God. Not Man

Many Christians, in an attempt to avoid being labeled as ‘bad people,’ succumb to these fallacious accusations and find themselves affirming and accepting sinful behaviors that are forbidden in the Bible.


The enemy’s moat lies in the constant invention of new words and definitions to confuse and confound Christians. Terms such as cisgender, transgender. dysphoria, non-binary, and ‘sex assigned at birth’ are unfamiliar to many Christians and bear little resemblance to the language used in the Bible. Hence the hesitation in taking a clear stand on these issues.

  1. While we know the Bible prohibits cross dressing (Deuteronomy 22:5) – many of us do not realize it’s rechristened as “gender expression” by the transgender, non-binary, drag queens communities.
  2. Sodomy was a grievous sin in the Bible (Genesis 18 & 19). Today’s generations are unaware that sodomy’s the Biblical word for the devious same-sex relationships – gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer, etc. 
  3. The term “sex assigned at birth” means the doctors assign the sex of a child at birth. On the other hand, the Bible clearly states it is God (not doctors) who created man – male and female He created them
    The reason for this new phrase is to ease the conscience of those who undergo a sex change (they are made to believe they are only second-guessing a doctor, not sinning against God).

God’s Word vs man’s word

Christians should resist the temptation to adopt new words and terminologies either to fit in or sound sophisticated. They should be wary of such traps and instead rely on the words and definitions found in the Bible. For instance, it is adultery, not a fling; it is male and female, not cisgender or transgender; it is sodomy, not LGBTQ+.


The devil employs individuals with doctorates from “prestigious” institutions like Yale, Columbia, Harvard, Princeton, and others to intimidate and bully average Christians. They use their God-given gifts and skills to serve the wicked one by twisting and misinterpreting the Bible.

Let me give you a few examples from the article, so you see how masterfully it’s done.

Genesis 1:27 (misinterpreted)

They tell you that they believe, like you do, in the God of creation, and that they do not dismiss Genesis as fiction. At the same time where the Bible says God made man – and made them male and female, they launch into an elaborate explanation of why it is doesn’t mean, what you think it means.

While literal reading of Genesis, they say, would make you think in ‘binaries’, it is not so.. In between day and night there is dawn and dusk, and in-between flying birds and fish we have penguins and platypus. Similarly, in between male and female there’s room for transgenders, non-binary and others.

This is the language of a wolf in sheep’s clothing.  They play both sides of the coin. They claim their agenda is not to dismiss Genesis as fiction, when that’s what they are really up to. They use convoluted reasoning to make you believe, if possible, that God created a spectrum of genders, not just male and female

Genesis 2 & Galatians 3:28  (misinterpreted)

The authors say that based on the order of creation (i.e. Adam was made first and then Eve), many Christians assert ‘gender complementarity’, where the man is the head of the home, brings home the bacon and the woman stays behind to hold down the fort. 

According to them, this is not right and we must move to ‘gender egalitarianism’, where everyone is treated equally because “there is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus” 

They equate the struggles of woman in a male-dominated world to the plight of transgenders in a binary (two-gendered) world. And therefore Christians must stop their oppression and affirm women, transgenders, and non-binaries for their well-being.

It’s a clever serpentine tactic of using ‘women’s rights’ as a trojan horse for the transgender agenda. 
Apostle Paul DOES NOT say “there is no transgender or cisgender; there is no sinner or saint,for all are one in Christ Jesus.’ Quoting Galatians 3:28 in this context is just plain wrong. And most importantly, Christ came to save us from the bondage of sin, not to affirm us in our sins.

Genesis 1:16 says God created two great lights – the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night. It is important to note that both are great lights.  The lesser (great) light is not less important and an egalitarian who fights for equality, does not want the moon to shine as brightly as the sun. So it is with the family unit – God created women with specific skills and gifts suited for a specific role and man is a misfit in that role, and would be a disaster waiting to happen

The devil used Eve’s shoulder to shoot man down in the Garden of Eden. And he continues to use the ‘woman card’ to push the transgender agenda to bring discord in families, societies, and in the world.

Deuteronomy 22:5 (misinterpreted)

The authors claim that Deuteronomy 22:5, which states that a woman should not wear men’s clothes and vice versa, does not apply to transgender individuals. They argue that the clothes they wear affirm and reflect their inner gender identity, and therefore, it is not technically “cross-dressing.”

This is an epic fail : What does the term transgender mean? Trans means to move across, indicating a transition from one gender to another. Therefore a person whose expresses his/her gender by “moving across” in their clothing is engaging in cross dressing. Right? 🙂

Genesis 32:28; Numbers 13:16; Matthew 16:17-18 (misinterpreted)

These verses, among others, are used to justify the whole “pronouns” circus (the use of she/her, he/him, they/them etc. to reflect ‘gender identity’). The authors argue the Bible establishes a precedent for name changes as the recognition of a new identity and a new beginning. Jacob became Israel. Abram & Sarai became Abraham & Sarah and Simon became Peter. Likewise, they say, transgender and non-binary people use their ‘pronouns’ to affirm their gender identities with God.

God changing names and humans changing their pronouns are like comparing apples and oranges. 
And, more importantly, God does not change pronouns. When God changed Abram’s name to Abraham, his pronoun remained ‘He’ and it was not changed to ‘She/Her/They’.

Matthew 19:12; Acts 8:26-40 : (misinterpreted)

The liberal scholars who quote these verses do not intend to highlight the way our Lord spoke about eunuchs or Philip sharing the Gospel with the eunuch from Ethiopia.  

They are only interested in the discriminatory experiences of  eunuchs, so that they appropriate it to the transgender community

Matthew 19 and Acts 8 have nothing to do with individuals belonging to the LGBTQ+ community. It’s worth noting that transgender and non-binary individuals themselves do not wish to be referred to as eunuchs.

Do not let these false teachers use these passages to clobber Christians from taking a stand against LGBTQ+ or any other deviant ideology. Christians do not oppress, discriminate or denigrate sinners.  (1st Corinthians 6:9-11)

It is crucial to emphasize that being a eunuch in Biblical times did not automatically imply someone living in sin or being disobedient to God.

Psalm 139:13-14 (misinterpreted)

These liberal theologians find creative ways to bend the Scriptures. Here they have taken Psalm 139:13-14, and given it a whole new interpretation. According to them, transgender, non-binary people are fearfully and wonderfully made that way, and God continues to help them evolve into what they want to be. Therefore, Christians must support them in their journey of physical change, no matter how bizarre or self destructive it may be

Psalm 139:13-14 is not referring here to the doctors who conduct sex-change surgeries and other medical interventions.
It is about God, the designer of life and it is about His intricate creation of each individual. God did not make any mistakes when He formed us and we should not try to ‘gild the lily’ (or try to play around with our bodies to fulfill our whims and twisted desires.)


Towards the very end of the article, the crafty authors try to play the humility card. “What if we got the interpretations wrong.  We read in Paul’s letter to the Corinthians that until Christ returns we are bound to see truth in a way that is incomplete, a mere reflection, “as in a mirror, dimly.”  So the ultimate truth is beyond our grasp and yet, we are committed to wrestling with the text, we find peace in knowing that we are not given eternal life in our ability to read God’s mind and ourability to know what is right all the time. We are saved by grace through faith.” 

Let’s not get fooled by their pseudo-humility. After dragging the christian through the mud the whole article, to suddenly flip the script and act like they are on our side is a nice try, but we’re not buying it. 

This is not a change of heart, it is just a sneaky tactic to make you think they are open to correction. What they really want is you to be open to correction, and admit that you might be wrong about your understanding of LGBTQ and what the Bible says about them, We must not let them guilt-trip us into doubting the Bible and its simple, straightforward interpretation.


The devil loves to (mis) quote God’s word to further his causeSo, these authors (aka devil’s advocates) quote Matthew 7:17 that says ‘A good tree will bear good fruit and not bad fruit’. and go on to say  The bad, destructive fruit has come from  people who reject transgender communities and people who affirm transgenders and include them, affirm them, love them, lead to words and actions that are good news for individuals and society at large.

I find it interesting that these ‘theologians’ from Ivy League schools use the very verse that condemns them and twist it to support their erroneous teachings. 

Matthew 7:15-20 is part of the Sermon on the Mount, where the Lord Jesus Christ employs the analogy of fruits and trees to illustrate how true and false teachers can be discerned. False teachers are like bad trees that bear bad fruit. These scholars want to use this passage to shut down Christians who dare to call out sin. We should not fall for their clever trickery and allow them to silence the truth.