Category: What Does The Bible Say

  • How Do I Restore My Backslidden Children? : A Biblical Perspective.

    How Do I Restore My Backslidden Children? : A Biblical Perspective.

    Question : How do I conduct family worship in my immediate family gathering when my children, who were once ardent believers, have abandoned the faith and are now living freely without following God’s teachings in the Bible? Answer : Parents often play a crucial role in their children “abandoning their…

  • Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) be demonized? – A Biblical Perspective.

    Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) be demonized? – A Biblical Perspective.

    Can Artificial Intelligence become sentient, exhibit supernatural qualities or be demonized? This article addresses this topic from a Christian vantage point

  • What is the Real Meaning of Matthew 13:12 ?

    What is the Real Meaning of Matthew 13:12 ?

    Did our Lord mean “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer?” Was He preaching the so-called prosperity gospel? What is the real meaning of Matthew 13:12?

  • What (they say) The Bible Says About Transgender People

    What (they say) The Bible Says About Transgender People

    Just the other day, I found myself in a conversation with a smart-alec who asked, “Why are Christians so quick to judge transgender people when the Bible explicitly warns them not to judge others?” I couldn’t resist a quick repartee and replied, “Transgender people don’t need to fear Christians judging them;…

  • What Does It Mean That Jesus Is “The Only Begotten?”

    What Does It Mean That Jesus Is “The Only Begotten?”

    Why is Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of God? Who told God He could have only one Son? Is there a higher power than God that creates rules for God?