Is Christianity a hate group

Why Do People Call Christianity a Hate Group?

Question : How Come Christianity Has Become A Hate Group?

Despite misconceptions and gross misrepresentation, it is important to clarify that Christianity is not a hate group. The notion that Christians are haters is simply untrue since the fundamental driving force of our faith is love, not hatred. God’s Word commands us to love one another, love our neighbors, and even love our enemies. And we do so because God’s immense love, as demonstrated by the sacrifice of His Son as a ransom for our sins. Our lives are abundantly blessed, both in the present and the eternal, leaving no room for hate. 

The World Hates Christians. That’s A Fact.

The message of the cross is an offense.  The world does not tolerate the Good News

Contrary to the propaganda, it is Christians who face the maximum amount of hate. The evil world hates Jesus Christ, His Word, and His followers – the bloodshed of saints and prophets stands as a testament to this hatred. Ironically, those who hate us with a passion turn around and accuse us of being the ones full of hate. 

This campaign of misinformation against Christians is expected to intensify in the coming days. Therefore let’s delve deeper into the topic to not only understand whew are labeled a hate group but also discern what actions we must take.

A Misinformation Campaign By the Devil & His Minions

As God’s children, our desire is to see our friends and family freed from the clutches of sin and hell.  We love people, and at the same time hate sins that are destructively impacting their lives. 

The enemy, knowing that people often prefer sweet-sounding, comforting lies to the bitter truth, encourages them in their sinful ways, portraying himself as someone who has their best interests at heart. Our hatred of sin is grossly misrepresented, falsely painting us as a “hate group”. 

The powers that be, enabled by the evil one, are aggressively promoting an anti-God, anti-Bible agenda world wide. Their efforts encompass everything from sodomy and robbing the innocence of children to the endorsement of ‘murder-in-the-womb’ and advocating for depopulation. These campaigns are packaged well employing a deceptive language that can fool even the well-educated.  

Examples of misinformation : Make Evil Good & Good Evil

Let me highlight two specific campaigns as examples

Firstly, the “Love is love” slogan that is used widely in “Equality for all” campaign, Why would anyone (especially those belonging to Christianity, the religion of love) want to be a kill-joy and deny love to those who are different from you?.
However it is crucial t recognize that the love used in this slogan is not the love God intended it be. It’s perversity and sodomy in disguise. 

Secondly the phrase “My body, My choice” that implies that a woman should have have the right determine her reproductive health?  While marketed as “women’s rights”, it is, in essence, the right to commit murder. 

Why Do They Call Christianity A Hate Group?”

Because Christians are a threat to their wicked agenda.

Bible-believing Christians pose a significant threat to those promoting these agendas, because we are the only ones who are able to see through this charade and call a spade a spade and sin a sin. Hence, the effort to silence us, by portraying us as a ‘hate group.’

This cunning plan has proven successful on both fronts. 
On one side, it has caught the Christian-majority off guard. Many who fear rejection have chosen to remain silent in the face of these atrocities. The “Christians” who fear man, vigorously criticize and oppose their fellow brothers and sisters who dare to speak out against this evil.  

On the other side, the gullible sheep believe the propaganda that Christianity hates them. Consequently they distance themselves from the so-called “haters” and seek refuge in the arms of the wolves. 

Conclusion : What Must A Christian DO?

To counter this disinformation campaign, I propose the following easy-to-follow suggestions:

  1. Reject the false narrative that Christianity is a hate group.
  2. Love people unconditionally, but hate sin. 
  3. Fear God and His Word and do not fear man or their name-calling. 
  4. Remember we are the light of the world. The evildoers abhor the light because it exposes their wicked deeds. Therefore, we must never ever buckle under pressure and hide our light under a bushel. If we do so, we will allow the forces of evil to rob, kill and destroy without restraint.