Author: Mark Theophilus

  • State Of The Church – 2023.  Christianity On Decline

    State Of The Church – 2023. Christianity On Decline

    It is 2023 A.D. The Church, which is the ‘body of Christ,’ is on its deathbed and does not know it.  Christianity on decline – we may be the #1 religion with 2.6 Billion adherents world wide, but many of us are Christians-in-name-only/

  • Psalm 23:3 – What Does “He Restores My Soul” Really Mean?

    Psalm 23:3 – What Does “He Restores My Soul” Really Mean?

    He Restores my Soul : The word ‘restores’ is often used interchangeably with ‘refreshes’, ‘revives’ or ‘renews’ in certain translations, leading to misinterpretations of the verse. Read more to know what it really means

  • Psalm 22 Parallels Will Blow Your Mind

    Psalm 22 Parallels Will Blow Your Mind

    What is the real meaning of Psalm 22? Dr. Seth Postell helps us understand David’s prophecy and parallels Psalm 22 with the Gospel of Matthew. #Mindblown

  • Who Were The Nephilim (Giants) In The Bible?

    Who Were The Nephilim (Giants) In The Bible?

    When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose…There were Nephilim (giants) in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto…

  • Start With Why.  (What is the meaning of Romans 12:1?)

    Start With Why. (What is the meaning of Romans 12:1?)

    It is not what you do that matters, it is why you do what you do. Romans 12:1 explained. Become a Christian that will turn the world upside down!

  • Luke 15 : Seven Gems That You May Have Overlooked.

    Luke 15 : Seven Gems That You May Have Overlooked.

    Luke 15 contains parables we all know – The Parable of the Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin, and The Prodigal Son. But did these hidden gems go unnoticed?

  • Mark 8:34 : How Does A Mere Christian Become A World-Changer?

    Mark 8:34 : How Does A Mere Christian Become A World-Changer?

    Mark 8:34 is a well-known verse that often takes the spotlight in sermons about discipleship. Many of these sermons begin and end with this verse. Rarely do preachers take a step back to consider the context in which our Lord spoke these words. 

  • Verse Of The Day : John 13:34. The Eleventh Commandment

    Verse Of The Day : John 13:34. The Eleventh Commandment

    A New Commandment I give unto you, that you love one another, as I have loved you, that you also love one another.

  • John 3:16 : Do You Know What It Really Means?Don’t ask WIKI

    John 3:16 : Do You Know What It Really Means?Don’t ask WIKI

    When you google John 3:16, the first search result is from the Mormon website. Another top result is from Wikipedia. This post is a critique on the Wiki-Artcle and if it explains the real meaning of John 3:16