Author: Mark Theophilus

  • The True Gospel: It’s Not What You Think

    The True Gospel: It’s Not What You Think

    The term “Gospel” gets tossed around a lot in Christian circles – but do we understand what it is and isn’t?

  • What Makes Good Friday “Good”?

    What Makes Good Friday “Good”?

    How did the “darkest day” in history become “Goo Friday”? Our Lord’s response to the women at the cross is worth considering, , as it likely reflects how He would react to our displays of sympathy on Good Friday.

  • Wanting


    Walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Galatians 5:16

  • Forgiving The Unforgivable

    Forgiving The Unforgivable

    Reading Joseph’s journey never fails to offer encouragement and hope, but also begs the question – how do we truly forgive the unforgivable?

  • With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

    With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

    To know Christ is to know His gift of salvation, and we are now responsible for sharing that knowledge with all those around us. With great power comes great responsibility. (in other words From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded;

  • Repent or Perish

    Repent or Perish

    The dilemma of suffering and death. Why do good people suffer. Why does God allow death and suffering in the world?.

  • John 2 (The Gospel of John, Chapter 2) KJV Plus

    John 2 (The Gospel of John, Chapter 2) KJV Plus

    John Chapter 2. KJV Plus. Answering common questions pertaining to John 2.

  • John 1 (The Gospel of John, Chapter 1) KJV Plus

    John 1 (The Gospel of John, Chapter 1) KJV Plus

    Who is Jesus? A mere man, a prophet or God? Was he a man who wanted to become God-like? or Was He God who took on flesh and became man??

  • Valley Of The Shadow Of Death (Psalm 23 : 4)

    Valley Of The Shadow Of Death (Psalm 23 : 4)

    What does the Valley of the shadow of death really mean? Why would a loving shepherd allow suffering and hardship? What does the term “Rod & Staff” mean and how could these bring comfort???